WARNING: Spoilers from previous and upcoming events...
Defenders International (DI) is the United Nations super team dedicated to thwarting global threats against the planet. Along with other super groups around the world, D.I. has prevented villains and primordial enemies from destroying the earth.
One year later…..
One year has passed since the events of Destroyed, where a power-mad dictator attempted to wipe-out mankind using a primordial weapon. While DI and other heroes succeeded, the victory was only a pyrrhic one. Crippled by The Destroyers, one of the worst villain groups the world had ever seen. DI emerged from the events changed. Long-time members Whiteflame and Rose Red are dead. The Massive space station called Shankra was damaged enough to crash into the Atlantic Ocean. The DI Leader, Michael Deckard, AKA Rook, has disappeared, but not before executing the leader of the Destroyers, Tactician. While the world celebrated victory and the final defeat of a great villain, the heroes responsible for its defense are barely functional.
A year has passed. In that period of time many events have occurred which have changed the course of mankind’s destiny. The legendary crime-fighter known as The Black Raven has died. Eight (8) gigantic alien ships have arrived on Earth, remnant species of ongoing space conflicts between the mighty star empires. The remnants are made of up of various species, all seeking shelter and offering both their scientific expertise and their technology. With apprehension, the new visitors were embraced, and overnight it seems that mankind has begun to look forward towards the stars for its destiny.
Villains around the world find themselves on the defensive. Marapulai, the tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean which served as a safe haven and hideout is no more. Metahuman heroes around the world seem further united in preventing meta-crime, and as such, only a handful of the most powerful villains dare to strike out against society. Many villains have simply disappeared, while others have retired from such activity. Those that remain are the most dangerous, working together in new ways to gain their criminals enterprises. Whispers of an old organization’s return bolster the surviving criminal’s activities…an organization called CHRONOS.
Upon the first anniversary of the defeat of King Croc, the second anniversary of the defeat of Lord Eclipse, and the fifth anniversary of the attack of the primordial weapon known as the Devourer, the surviving heroes are gathering for a quiet anniversary celebration. Little do they know that they will be determining the destiny of mankind and the fate of Earth in a few scant hours….
One year has passed since the events of Destroyed, where a power-mad dictator attempted to wipe-out mankind using a primordial weapon. While DI and other heroes succeeded, the victory was only a pyrrhic one. Crippled by The Destroyers, one of the worst villain groups the world had ever seen. DI emerged from the events changed. Long-time members Whiteflame and Rose Red are dead. The Massive space station called Shankra was damaged enough to crash into the Atlantic Ocean. The DI Leader, Michael Deckard, AKA Rook, has disappeared, but not before executing the leader of the Destroyers, Tactician. While the world celebrated victory and the final defeat of a great villain, the heroes responsible for its defense are barely functional.
A year has passed. In that period of time many events have occurred which have changed the course of mankind’s destiny. The legendary crime-fighter known as The Black Raven has died. Eight (8) gigantic alien ships have arrived on Earth, remnant species of ongoing space conflicts between the mighty star empires. The remnants are made of up of various species, all seeking shelter and offering both their scientific expertise and their technology. With apprehension, the new visitors were embraced, and overnight it seems that mankind has begun to look forward towards the stars for its destiny.
Villains around the world find themselves on the defensive. Marapulai, the tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean which served as a safe haven and hideout is no more. Metahuman heroes around the world seem further united in preventing meta-crime, and as such, only a handful of the most powerful villains dare to strike out against society. Many villains have simply disappeared, while others have retired from such activity. Those that remain are the most dangerous, working together in new ways to gain their criminals enterprises. Whispers of an old organization’s return bolster the surviving criminal’s activities…an organization called CHRONOS.
Upon the first anniversary of the defeat of King Croc, the second anniversary of the defeat of Lord Eclipse, and the fifth anniversary of the attack of the primordial weapon known as the Devourer, the surviving heroes are gathering for a quiet anniversary celebration. Little do they know that they will be determining the destiny of mankind and the fate of Earth in a few scant hours….
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